Past Events Re Unite – Dude Party India 06/01/2023 0Comments 0Reactions REUNITE Retro SundaysFeat.JOHN & ROXYLet’s go..gogoooo!Our flamin’ hot GoGo duo are back & how!Watch them move and hold on to your dropping jaws!Dj Rahul is incharge of the music & you can bet he’s got all the right beats & tunes for a Sunday night partayyyy!The venue is your fav spot — Sutra, Lalit Ashok HotelLet your Sunday be crazy not calm!When: 08 Jan,Sunday|8pm Onwards Where: Sutra,The LaLiT Ashok Bangalore.For tickets Whatsapp/call +919739039567 What's your reaction?0Smile0Angry0LOL0Sad0Love